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Leaning on a Perfect God

Homeschooling is a uniquely rewarding experience. The opportunity to witness our children’s milestones and to participate in their triumphs and struggles is a priceless adventure and privilege. Homeschooling requires time, commitment, perseverance, and love from its practitioners – and it rewards the faithful with fulfillment, joy, irreplaceable memories, and the affirmation of a job well done.

For limited human beings, however, the daily homeschooling grind isn’t always perfect. There are days when a child fails repeatedly to understand his or her lesson. There are days when our children soar, and there are days when they will falter. There are days when a dirty house, rowdy children, tired parents, and endless responsibilities paint an image that is as far from the perfect homeschooling home as possible.

How invaluable it is to know we have a perfect God!

His strength is made perfect in weakness. In the darkness of overwhelming challenges, His light shines all the brighter. In Him alone do we find strength to fall, to struggle, to conquer, and to persevere.

What Makes It “Easy”?

Homeschooling is an exciting adventure. It is, also, at the same time, a challenging calling for many families!

Kairos simplifies the homeschooling experience by doing the footwork for our enrolled families. We provide a fully-developed academic curriculum, including tests, projects, and grading services. We train and equip our parents. We assess student performance and provide full reports. We plan and provide extra-curricular options, and we foster a community of dedicated, hardworking Christian parents.

On the flip side, Kairos does expect our parent partners to carry out the actual application of the program: you can’t homeschool without homeschooling! A purposeful homeschooling experience is always a labor of love. Our families thrive when fathers, mothers, and extended family members commit themselves to teaching, mentoring, and discipling their children in the love of the Lord.

It takes effort from our families to maximize the Kairos program, but God’s grace is always and ever sufficient.

Starting Right

Every year, Kairos meets our parents and primary instructors at the beginning of the school year to set families up for the highest chances of success. Our faculty members meet with each and every enrolled family to share updates, expound on new policies and services, and discuss best strategies moving forward. Our families never start homeschooling alone!

Families are encouraged to make time for homeschooling, to set up a schedule that maximizes learning in the home. Families are also asked to make room for homeschooling, to organize books and learning materials with purpose and efficiency.

Above it all, families and faculty are asked to pray, pray, and pray. Successful homeschooling is built on foundations of prayer. Our God alone can give us the strength we need to do His work of raising the next generation in His will.

May His grace abide richly with our upcoming new school year!

A Community Effort

Kairos parents aren’t left to homeschool all on their own. Whether through materials, seminars, events, MAPEH classes, or regular communication, we help our parents experience the benefits of an educational community.

Stuck on a certain subject? Our teachers and fellow families are right here in the thick of it with you. Need friendship and encouragement? Whom better to befriend than parents and children who understand exactly what you’re going through?

Homeschooling is not lone schooling. Let Kairos be the Christian, Chinese community your child needs.

Structure vs. Freedom

Homeschooling without guidance or structure can be a daunting experience. Kairos simplifies the work for our families by providing curriculum, training, and community for all students and parents. By pre-dividing each year’s studies into four quarters, Kairos helps families focus on teaching one step at a time. By developing all tests, exams, and daily work requirements ahead of time, we let our parents invest themselves in the most valuable area of all: spending time to teach and enjoy their children.

Kairos strives to provide structure for families through our scheduling, curriculum, and group activities. At the same time, families may be as flexible as desired in teaching different subjects within each assigned quarter. Freedom and structure coexist to create the best possible educational opportunities for our students.

Parent-Child Tandem

Homeschooling, at its heart, is parent-led, home-based education. At Kairos, we enable families through curriculum, seminars, and teaching materials to work towards the best possible home environment for their children’s schooling. Kairos parents teach and guide their kids in person, often experiencing new lessons along with their kids!

Committed parents are the very best teachers students can have. By providing whatever we can to help families reach their homeschooling goals, we strive to make lifelong learning a possibility for all of our beloved families. When the kids learn, the parents do too!

From Every Walk of Life

Homeschooling is a calling that comes to families at different times of their lives. Whether your family is currently holding a newborn, reconsidering conventional school, or facing a change in lifestyle – homeschooling can be that window into several bright new worlds. There is no limit to the vocations of parents who can homeschool, and there is no limit on where children learn.

No matter where or how the Lord calls your family, may each chapter be an opportunity to grow together!

A Family Experience

How many hours does one homeschool in a day? It’s never easy to quantify something as ingrained into a family’s lifestyle as educating at home. Homeschooling changes a family’s lifestyle and makes constant learning something that the whole household, top to bottom, lives and breathes.

When you’re on the road, read signs and explore new horizons. When you’re ready for the night, learn Bible stories and good health habits. When you’re doing groceries, just start reciting that multiplication table all over again. The joy of growth and discovery is never limited by time or location!

First Time for Everything

The first year of homeschooling is the most decisive for families, and Kairos tries to make it work for you. Not sure how to homeschool? Not a problem.

For families with children 3 years of age, our nursery program includes all learning materials and four skills-based assessments sessions. Parents join our training seminars and workshops as we help you to foster your child’s growth in behavioral, cognitive, academic, language, and physical development. Even young children can learn great things.

For families with older children, we serve you by providing all learning materials and regular checkpoints in the form of quarter exams. Students do their daily work at home before coming to school for exams four weeks each year. It helps to know how your child is doing!

Don’t let the thought overwhelm you. There’s a first time for everything, and we’re right here to help.


CLASS Days are a signature event for Kairos and all our enrolled families.  Once every three weeks, students come to the Kairos center to enjoy stories, friendships, fun, and access to special learning. Each letter represents something great!

C – Chapel. Every CLASS Day, students learn important stories that encourage specific character traits. Teachers share Biblical and moral narratives that help pave the way to nurturing a child’s heart.

L – Library. The Kairos library currently stocks over 200 titles and is constantly adding more. A good book is a child’s best friend! Enrolled students are allowed to borrow up to 5 books at a time, for return during the next CLASS Day.

A – Activities. With so many families gathered together, Kairos maximizes these occasions by highlighting them with special activities. From group games to crafts, from performances to decorating, students experience collaborative projects that allow them to meet friends, make friends, and make special memories.

S – Submissions. Families enrolled in Kindergarten and upwards are allowed and encouraged to submit their tests and projects as students progress. There’s nothing more satisfactory than handing in a job well done! Test scores are emailed to families within a week of submission.

S – Support. Homeschooling doesn’t have to be a lonely journey. Teachers and other parents make themselves available each time to share tips, reference content, and provide encouragement. Ask our faculty any questions or concerns, and meet your partners in Kairos!

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